Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A place to hide

I hear your voice ringing in my ear
I hear your footsteps coming down to hall like thunder
I quietly open the door and slip in hoping you don't hear me
I peek out and see you standing there
I shudder in fear at the look on your face
I know one of these days I'm going to run
I hear you call my name
I don't come out
I see you turn and leave
I hear the distance echo of your footsteps getting farther and farther
I wait until you fall asleep
I come out and wait a second
I hear a voice as clear as a bell "Run child run he won't hurt you any more"
I stand up take a deep breath
I open the door and I ran as far and as fast as I could
I never looked back

Because of that voice I am still here and no longer scared