Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I could feel the glare o my fathers eyes as I sat there with my head down. "Look at me" Dad said
scared looked at him not knowing what he wanted. "What did you do to your leg?". Dad said scared to speek I just stared at him. "Speak to me and tell me what happened" Dad said. I could hear the anger in his voice I started to feel sick. "We were playing tag and she triped over a rock"Marc said. I looked over at him and he slid in a smile. "Where were you playing?" Dad said "Out by the cow pasters" Marc said. "You must be more carefull" Dad said. Later on I lay in bed over hearing my parents speaking to one another. "She's trouble" Dad said. "She the only girl she's trying to fit in" Mom said. "By rolling around in the dirt' Dad said. "You never wanted a girl and now you do you wish'd be proper". Mom said. "I whis she'd act like a girl". Dad said. "She can't not when you expect her to be a boy" Mom said. "She's afraid that if she doesn't a certian way you wont accpet her". Mom said. "I do accept her" Dad said and all the sudden it all went quite. I saw my door open I pretend to sleep. I knew he was watching me and I knew that big tuff man had a soft spot he never shows to anyone but his little girl. "You got me wrap around your little finger". Dad wishpered